The most important prop needed will be a china doll. This will be used to influence certain positions of the young girl, she therefore mimicking them. This will create tension due to the creepiness of which these exact replications occur. This will also intrinsically link the two characters together showing the controlling side of our thriller. This will also include typical thriller narratives of someone being watched and followed.
A television will also create part of our thriller. Here the television will act as a hypnotic device, fuzzing black and white, menacing with the girl and therefore making her zone out of her everyday life. This will link both characters together due to the trance of which the antagonist will later put the young girl into.
Red paint will also act as a key prop. This will make our thriller mysterious due to the lack of knowledge of which the audience will in tale. The girl will be scened within the woods in a dirty white dress and covered in blood. This will give the impression of struggle as if the girl has been battling her way though the woods. Not only this but having a hand print stained on the dress this shows control from the assassin not only mentally but physically also. A white dress is also required. We choose this costume because white is symbolic to purity and therefore represents innocence. Not only this but white plays the perfect contrast to what is meant to be blood, making it seemingly noticeable to the audience. Another reason why the protagonist is costumed in white is because this follows Helmet Nickel's theory of white hats, black hats making this girl a presumed femme fatal.
Finally, the prop of eyeliner will be used, acting as that of a body paint. This is because the scribbled thoughts of the girl will be physically embedded into the girls skin, showing her thoughts rather than imagining them mentally. These will be disturbed thoughts for a young girl including the words death, kill and help. This will give the theme of possession and also the controlling aspect of our thriller. This will act as a device to show both physical and mental scaring.
Next, when looking at costumes, only one will be used. This is due to having only two casted characters, one being the antagonist of which only his hands are shown to create anxiety within the audience. Though, the casted girl being the protagonist will have a specific costume. this will be a white dress giving Helmet Nickel's theory of white hates, black hats. The white dress of the young girl with represent innocence and purity. A dress is also common with young girls and with this being white will also show a great contrast with the blood of which it will be stained.
Finally, when considering the equipment that we be needed. We will use:
- A camera - This will act as our filming device, capturing the footage of which we will later edit and put together to make our final thriller film.
- A tripod - This will be used to help maintain a steady shot when doing a range of different shots and angles, especially when zooming and doing arc shots.
- A computer - This will be needed to edit the footage. By using the application of imovie this will allow us to add affects and sound to our thriller film.
- A DSLR camera - This will be used to capture still images of our filming locations, including that of a darkened room and the woods. This will act as part of our thriller planning.
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