Firstly I am annotating upon the Thriller title; 'Looper'. From research, a dictionary definition of the word 'looper' means; a person or thing that loops or makes loops. This immediately makes connections with the plot summary, surrounding a mob that wants to 'close the loop' on a singleton character. This suggests an outnumbered victim against his assassins, indicating the typical thriller theme of entrapment.
A 'Looper' is also a person associated with computer science. This suggests the scientific knowledge of the characters and therefore the potential risks in overreaching unforeseen circumstances.
When looking at the graphology of the title, more connotations are witnessed. The font style is very futuristic, having a beaming glow behind the font represents a solar object moving in the distance. This therefore, makes connections with space and scientific academia.
The use of capitalism also shows presence and mass, maybe representing the standings of planets within the solar system. This also connects to the spacing of the title, showing the distance of which objects in space stand apart.
Finally, the typography reveals a basic sans-serif font. This reduces the formality of the film but shows the modernness of the film, having recently been released. In French the word 'sans' means without representing the loneliness of the victim within the film. Not only this but, the typeface is referred to being grotesque referring to a slightly gothic genre within the film 'Looper'.

Next, looking at the graphology of the title, the red colour catches the eye. The colour red is symbolic to danger representing the key thriller narrative of death, specifically in this case murder. Also, the font style and capitalism is strong showing presence and indicating how the island stands alone.
Finally, the typography witnesses a sans-serif font. This shows that the film is informal but has the appealing aspect of replicating a modern nature to younger audience. Also, having this font being described as grotesque, suggests the type of conventions within the thriller genre and therefore ideals to this film, 'Shutter Island'.
Excellent choices to look at, and you have made some good analytical points about both. Well done. Hopefully this will help in your thinking of your own titles.