Friday, 25 January 2013

The Film Industry - Exhibition

In the summer of 2007, cinema attendances rose to their highest point in 40 years. The main reason for this was the release of blockbusters.

Exhibitors need films that catch the imagination of their audience in the 21st century. Along with this feature, development of digital technology is needed. The number one problem though, faced by exhibitors is piracy.

Since 1984, the rise in cinema audiences is due to the significant development of multiplex cinemas. In 1950 attendances peaked in opposition to 1984 when the point of cinema attendances was at its lowest.  This was due to run down cinemas with only a single screen making viewing incredibly limited.

In the early days, multiplex cinemas where located out of town because it was not economically viable to have them situated in the city centre. Cinemas needed a greater number of screens and a greater majority of 'good' films to be released. Not only this but good parking and access was needed. Today, cinemas are part of the new development in city centres.

City Screen are 'niche' exhibitors because they only show specialised films therefore identifying a specific audience.

An increasing part of the changing audience of cinema goers are the 'Baby Boomers', also known as the elderly audience.

Film bookers decide on what films are located where by the location of their audience. The younger audience such as children will choose to visit cinemas out of town opposed to the older audience who will choose to go to cinemas in the city centre due to other attractions such as bars. Films are usually booked 3 to 4 weeks in advance. The audiences decisions are reviewed on the Monday after the film has been released.

The Vue cinema chain spent millions doing 'Mosaic profiling'. This is when local customers are targeted to find out their personal cinema preferences. It was found out that a large Turkish population was living in a condensed area and therefore Vue cinema decided to show the biggest Turkish film having recently been released to suit their community.

Audiences have to decide on the film they watch by balancing personal and commercial taste. Commercial taste is a film which has been rated highly nationally. When considering 'brand' in the top 10 to which cinema to choose, it falls to be the 7th or 8th decision. Other decisions include; access, environment, quality and timing.

Curzon cinemas attempt to differentiate between themselves and majors by emailing their commutators and providing events at their cinemas to attract audiences.

75% of audience leaving the cinema did not know the brand name of that cinema. It has also been proven that a change in name of a cinema has no effect on the percentage of attendance.

With the arrival of digital projection it will be possible to watch live sporting events and shows. Also, with no storing cannisters this means that the audience is able to vote for the film they want to watch and this can immediately be played.

Digital 3D  is likely to help distinguish cinema from home entertainment systems, giving a more interesting experience to the audience. The digital screen network will help niche exhibitors reach a wider audience than their typical 25 to 45 year age range by the viewing being easier to set up. This will also show a difference from home entertainment by cinemas being more event based, providing a greater experience and making sure a community is formed to ensure a life enhancing experience.

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