Thursday, 22 November 2012

Music Ideas

When considering a thriller film, music and sound acts as a literacy device to create an atmosphere, suspending anxiety and tension upon the audience. So, when composing our thriller film we will add background music, replacing dialogue so that the audience will feel more anxiety. Therefore, I have been looking on youtube for suitable song tracks that are related to young children, that encounter a disturbing twist. For our first track I have found a creepy ice cream truck tune. This interlinks well into our thriller because an ice cream truck shows intertexuality with children, though at the same time the silence plays part in the background creating suspension. For our second track, we found a creepy music box soundtrack. This would be a suitable track to fit our thriller because each note gives an echoing sound. This creates mystery and a sense of lingering anxiety. The simplicity of this, replicates that of a children's nursery rhyme, creating intertextual references with our thriller synopsis, encompassing a young school girl. This track also suspends silence within the background representing the theme of loneliness.

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