Friday, 21 September 2012

G321 Thriller Research

When contemplating the analysis of thriller conventions for the advertising media of 'Leon' there is a huge mass to identify.
Firstly, when looking at the film title; 'LEON' it appears vertically in bold capital letters. This would suggest that the nature of this film shows strength and masculinity. Not only this but the opposing colours of black and white make the title stand out with the sans-serif font also showing the informality that the film carries. The title is noticeably aligned to the left so that it will always appear visible to the audience.
Next, moving along, you can see some tall and towering buildings. Having a clear spaced gap with buildings either side represents entrapment. The buildings also being confined suggests this. With the sun possibly either rising or setting in the background this could represent something starting or ending, this possibly being a key event within the film.
Now when focusing upon the man on set, a low camera angle is used, therefore looking up at the subject representing him as powerful and of a high hierarchy. Not only this but the man is also looking up showing escalation. Though, with this escalation the colours orange, yellow and black have been used alongside. These colours are considered to represent danger so this could coincide with a foregrounding event within the thriller genre.
Moving up to the characters face, you notice his facial expression. This comes across as stern showing integrity. This could easily represent uncertainty and instability when considering the state of equilibrium within the film.
Finally, the eyes reveal a lot about the underlying messages. The character having his eyes covered shows mystery and allows no connection with the audience due to the missing link of direct mode of address. Also, the buildings are clearly reflected within the glasses of the male figure establishing emphasis upon the setting scene concealing a certain amount of important significance. Lastly, with the use of the close up shot this encourages the audience to think that someone is being watched or followed. This would indicate that this character is an assassin and therefore typically linked with the thriller genre.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Nicole. A well thought out response with plenty of detail and explanation!

    Target: State how the poster has conformed to, developed or challenged thriller conventions. Merge your other two posts into this post too!
